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28Sepbest platform for realtors

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads for Realtors – Who Wins?

What are some key differences between Facebook Ads and Google Ads? What are the best ads for Realtors? As a realtor, lead generation is a top priority. Choosing the right platform for your ad campaign is crucial. You don’t want to waste time and money on ads that won’t generate leads, or use the wrong...

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9Julbrand stratregy

Branding Strategy: Everything You Need to Know About it

If you own a business, you’ve heard about branding. But what is branding? And how important is it to the success of your business? A simple look at the major, well-known brands and you begin to see the importance of branding and how a branding strategy can take your business to the next level.

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12Novtop 9 picks

Google ads Reporting: Our Top 9 Picks

When it comes to digital marketing, those who can find, analyze, and use the vast amounts of data available are typically able to get the upper hand against the competition. With competition online getting more and more fierce each day along with frequent platform changes, it’s more important than ever to make sure all of your marketing dollars and being put to the best use possible, and that you avoid making common Google ads mistakes

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25Sepvideo seo

8 Ways to SEO Your Video for Better Organic Exposure

No matter what type of message you're looking to deliver online -
the most popular choices are written content and video content.

We're living in a modern age where attention span is constantly
reducing and is lasting only a few seconds. And if you're looking to catch
someone's attention - there is no better way to do this than with the help of a video.

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10Augspeed update

Google’s Speed Update

Google’s Speed Update Rolls Out: What are the effects? New speed update will apply to all users, as Google ups its User Experience game.   Bounce Rates & Organic Rankings It sounds trivial, but a website’s speed really is paramount.  Yes, that’s how fickle the average user is, and how little patience people seem to...

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16Juldigital marketing

Google’s Digital Marketing Platforms Are Changing

Google Ads, Marketing Platform and Ad Manager represent a simplified new toolset for its advertising, marketing and publishing packages Since Google Adwords was unleashed on the world in 2000, so much has evolved in the digital marketing world.  Who could have foreseen the emergence and dominance of social media?  Who knew that video and images...

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24Maybenefits of having a website

8 Benefits of Having a Real Estate Website

Whether you are old school or on the cutting edge of technology in your dynamic real estate business, everyone needs a website in this day and age.  The benefits of having a real estate website are many in number, and the risks of getting left behind without one are very real.  So, what exactly are...

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31Marsocial media management tools

Awesome Social Media Management Tools for 2018

With so many social media management and marketing tools out there, how do you know which ones to use? And how do you know which features to choose from?  The variety of social media tools out there can be pretty overwhelming, for a beginner as well as for the more advanced user.  Are you looking...

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Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2020

As the real estate market continued to expand in 2017 and demand for quality broker services increased, more industry professionals want to hear about the best real estate marketing ideas. They need to stay ahead of the game in this digital age, on a playing field which is always changing. Some tactics are new, some...

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Best tips for Instagram advertising. It’s so simple

Digital media, which includes Internet, social networking and social media sites, is a modern way for brands to interact with consumers as it releases news, information and advertising from the technological limits of print and broadcast infrastructures. Digital media is currently the most effective way for brands to reach their consumers on a daily basis....

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At MW Inc., we take pride in listening, setting goals, and building a digital platform that is truly a mirror of your brand. Innovating strategies that help you achieve your goals is what we’re most passionate about. If you succeed, so do we.

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