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3Janreal estate seo

Real Estate SEO for 2020

You’ve printed the business cards, you’ve attended the networking events, you’ve put up lawn signs and followed all the other traditional marketing advice.  You even have a nice website and paid for some online advertising.  But still somehow, the competition is getting more internet leads than you.  Are they luckier than you?  Is it a...

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Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2020

As the real estate market continued to expand in 2017 and demand for quality broker services increased, more industry professionals want to hear about the best real estate marketing ideas. They need to stay ahead of the game in this digital age, on a playing field which is always changing. Some tactics are new, some...

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Best tips for Instagram advertising. It’s so simple

Digital media, which includes Internet, social networking and social media sites, is a modern way for brands to interact with consumers as it releases news, information and advertising from the technological limits of print and broadcast infrastructures. Digital media is currently the most effective way for brands to reach their consumers on a daily basis....

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26Febsocial media marketing

Social Media for Real Estate Agents

The Advantages of Social Media for Real Estate Agents   Whether you’re “old school” or “new school”, whether you’ve been doing this for 30 years or 30 minutes, running a successful real estate practice is very much a business like any other.  Therefore, using social media is a great way for Real Estate Agents to...

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21Febseo and social media

2017 SEO Trends and Social Media developments You Should Know About

For those attempting to stay on top of 2017 SEO trends and social media development all the time, we have bad news for you: it’s almost impossible.  That’s because the nature of the beast has it constantly changing, always evolving, never the same for long.  The good news is, once you’ve accepted that and learn...

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To # or not to #: How to use hashtags on Facebook

A discussion on that magic symbol and how to use hashtags in 2017  It seems like a no-brainer, right?  Everyone is using hashtags on Social Media these days.  They don’t cost anything, and it emphasizes your key terms and phrases.  It creates “tags”, doesn’t it?  We might even up trending on Twitter! Well, no.  Not...

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14Novunlocking your keywords

SEO Management and Content Marketing: Unlocking Your Keywords

  As the internet cements its place as the most important and popular tool for marketing in the 21st Century, more and more emphasis is being placed on a website’s content and how to leverage it.  In a recent study, more than 8 out of 10 of companies with active online marketing strategies forecast higher spending...

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20Octthe future of seo

How Google Posts Could Affect the Future of SEO

  Over the past few months, Google has undergone a few exciting changes. Penguin 4.0 had its final phase rolled out, meaning it’s now in real time. The search engine is also displaying official Twitter profile feeds for entities to all English searchers worldwide. There is a clear emphasis on providing current content to users,...

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24Augcolors and productivity

Colors and productivity is there any connection?

Marketing researchers, through numerous scientific experiments, have established the fact that colors can actually change or influence our emotions. Commercial enterprises and digital marketing agencies are now utilizing colors in developing and implementing strategic techniques around the office to modify behavior. Following is a concise statement on the different perceptions on how different colors affect...

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20Jun5 tips for improving your website

5 Tips for Improving Your Real Estate Website

Do you want to reach more clients? How would you like it if your listings were shared widely with very little effort on your part? Are you wondering how your marketing dollars are best spent? With just a little investment, you can start improving your real estate website and put it to work for you....

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