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23Marthe importance of having a website

The Importance of Having a Website

It is commonly agreed that any business needs to have a website in order to function properly in today’s business world. And there are many reasons why. Your website can be your best employee, sales brochure, and shop front all rolled into one – and of course all at a fraction of the price that...

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26Janevolution of search engines

The Evolution of Search Engines

In 1990 Archie the world’s first search engine was introduced to the World Wide Web followed by several others that did not use any algorithm to display search queries results. The commencement of the new millennium has witnessed fierce completions among several search engines for internet search. Some of the big names were Lycos, AOL, Altavista,...

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25Janhow to generate real estate leads online

How to Generate Real Estate Leads Online

In order to ensure maximum exposure to properties and realize their full potential, Real Estate Agents must have a professionally designed website that focuses on online marketing. Such a website can certainly generate real estate leads online (potential buyers and sellers), and increase the circulation of information on the properties they are trying to sell....

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26Novbest social media platform

Does Google Ads Work Better than Facebook Ads?

Google and Facebook reach millions of users, and both offer small businesses a chance to reach new customers through target advertising. An ad campaign can let you reach thousands or even millions depending on whom you target and how much you are willing to spend. But are there times when Google is a better choice...

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9Novcall only ad

What’s a Call-Only Campaign in AdWords?

In an attempt to eliminate a step in the client acquisition funnel Google has introduced early this year the call-only campaign. This type of AdWords campaign eliminates the need for a landing page, instead click to call directly connects the user with the business. Certainly call-only campaigns will benefit and perform well for some types...

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15Octmarketing psychology

The Effect of Marketing Psychology on Online Marketing Agencies

Marketing psychology can have a significant effect on the overall activities and consequences of any online marketing agency, both in terms of growth and profitability. In the business domain, utilizing marketing psychology can certainly improve our performance, ensure our success and thus lead to a more desirable and profitable outcome. marketing psychology is a field that encompasses...

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15Sepseo mistakes

13 AdWords Mistakes Everyone Should Avoid Making

Avoiding common AdWords  PPC Management mistakes can make a huge difference in performance. Many business owners blame AdWords for bad results that could have been avoided had they hired a certified AdWords professional or a professional digital marketing agency. Here are 13 AdWords mistakes you should avoid at all costs: 1-      Not adding negative keywords to...

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27Augvideo seo

Facebook video ads

Bringing your Business to Life – Using Facebook Video Ads to Transform your Digital Marketing Technology these days is an ever changing beast and one of the major developments over the last few years is the rise of video. It wasn’t long ago that we were using dial-up connections and waiting for what seems an...

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17Augblack hat seo

What is Black Hat SEO?

Welcome to the Dark Side – Black Hat SEO, is it for me? Deciding on SEO (search engine optimization) techniques for your website is a bit like taking a walk through a forest. You can choose the perhaps longer, more physically challenging but safe route, or you can take the shortcut through the deep, dark...

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